Bathurst Quay ground-breaking ceremony.

Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan ground-breaking ceremony was held at Eireann Quay on October 25, 2019. Planning started in January 2015, with the aim to provide public realm and transportation improvements, pedestrian and cycling connections and facilities, with open space and park facilities. the plan was adopted by City Council July 2017.
The construction schedule as of September 2019 is as follows:
Western Channel Dockwall Rehabilitation. Fall 2019 start.
Reduced taxi corral and shared parking lot. Fall 2019 start.
Ireland Park Foundation Renovations. Winter 2020 start.
Eireann Quay streetscape improvements. Summer 2020 start.
New plaza and open space. Environmental approvals completed/construction start Fall 2020. Opening expected in 2021.
Condition assessment report of the silos complete Summer 2019. Funding TBD in 2020.
