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Pipeline Dig on Queens Quay

Writer's picture: BQNABQNA

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Enbridge Gas is proposing to dig up Queens Quay.

Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan ground-breaking ceremony was held at Eireann Quay on October 25, 2019
Queens Quay promenade and bike path at Spadina.

The central Waterfront became Toronto’s foremost recreational area when Queens Quay West was redesigned in 2015. Millions of visitors enjoy the beauty and vibrant cultural life, and it is a favourite place to live.

Enbridge Gas is proposing to dig up Queens Quay to install a 4.5 kilometre gas pipeline from Cherry Street in the east to Bathurst Street in the west.

The company invited the public to an open house on January 23 to show people three potential routes to dig open trenches, hoping to start in spring of 2021. One is Lake Shore Boulevard, another detours along Harbour Street, and finally Enbridge’s first choice: Queens Quay, digging up the bike lanes with damage to sidewalks, trees and more.

Enbridge is on a fast track and wants approval to lock in the project by May this year. After that, only legal proceedings before the Ontario Energy Board could halt a Queens Quay pipeline.

Enbridge mailed the open house invitation to Waterfront households with little information about the project. So far, most people and businesses seem unaware of this possible upheaval, which could take two years or more to restore.

York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) and the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Association (BQNA) strongly objects to digging up Queens Quay, our award-winning promenade on the Waterfront. It would have a crushing effect on the area, which is home to over 70,000 and serves tourists and the GTA at large. Not only would millions of tax-payer dollars be squandered, but Harbourfront Centre, tour boats, businesses and condo towers would all suffer. Instead we recommend using Harbour Street, which would affect far fewer businesses and people and is still being developed.

Please speak up now if this concerns you, and spread the word.

Email Enbridge Gas though Dillon Consulting Ltd.:

Copy City Councillor Joe Cressy at

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