Transforming underutilized public property and buildings into waterfront park, cultural and artistic programming space.
Approved by City Council in 2017, the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan (BQNP) directed City staff to develop and implement a multi-phase, multi-partner approach to revitalizing derelict City-owned waterfront property in the Bathurst Quay neighbourhood.

Current projects completed and underway:
Canada Malting Silo property revitalization
Environmental remediation and approvals – complete
Dockwall and water’s edge promenade – complete
Airport infrastructure reduction – complete
Historic silo rehabilitation – 50% complete
New arts and cultural centre – 50% complete
Streetscape improvements: construction Spring 2023 – Fall 2023
New waterfront park and plaza: construction Spring 2023 – Fall 2024
Future project getting underway
Closure and remediation of derelict parking garage: environmental and technical investigations underway; garage closure and early works are funded with ground-breaking expected Fall 2024
Design and construction of new waterfront park at Portland Slip & Spadina Quay: public consultation launching TBC in 2023; park construction ground-breaking TBC pending funding strategy (in progress)

Canada Malting Silo rehabilitation: Repair & re-purpose
A section of finished repairs with completed drip edge re-construction, concrete patching, and tinting. South silo repairs now 90% complete. North silo repairs starting early 2023.

The Corleck building. A hub for arts, culture & heritage. Opening Fall 2024.
The former national headquarters of the Canada Malting Company in the 1950's
Currently being transformed from a derelict building into a waterfront centre for arts, culture and heritage by non-profit Canada Ireland Foundation
Construction began in November 2021.
Project lead: Canada Ireland Foundation
Architecture: Kearns Mancini Architects

New waterfront park and multi-purpose plaza. Opening Fall 2024.
Restored silos to provide illuminated architectural backdrop for intimately-scaled community and cultural event space.
Lights to be installed within the waterfront park and plaza scope. Operational with the park opening in Fall 2024.

Streetscape improvements: public art mural and parkette.
StreetArtTO mural installation complete.
Construction on ‘parkette’ to start Spring 2023

How To Name A New Park?
Under the updated policy, Parks, Forestry & Recreation (PFR) is responsible for consulting Ward Councillors about assigning wayfinding names (i.e. location-based or descriptive names) for new PFR properties.
Wayfinding names are recommended for City properties because they make it easy to identify and locate parks and facilities in neighbourhoods and around Toronto.

From: City of Toronto - Criteria to Name or Rename a City Property
3.1 Names of City Properties will facilitate navigation to and from a property and will either:
3.1.1 Indicate the location and/or features of the City Property; or
3.1.2 Commemorate one or more individuals, communities, organizations, events, or ideas of significance to Toronto, Ontario or Canada, in accordance with the Guiding Principles for Commemoration.
Why Bathurst Quay Common?
Celebration and commemoration of the resilient spirit of the Bathurst Quay neighbourhood.
The word ‘Common’ denotes a public space with a community focus and diversity of uses. Local waterfront examples include Sherbourne Common and Corktown Common.
The reference to “Bathurst” – both the street and the neighbourhood - serves a way-finding function.

Project divisional & agency partners:
Parks, Forestry & Recreation. Corporate Real Estate Management. City Planning. Transportation Services. Economic Development, Culture & Tourism. CreateTO.