From the BQNA 2019 AGM Report

On May 15, 2019, we were pleased to host a meeting with Marianne Hatzopoulou who is the Canadian Research chair for Transport Research Air Quality (TRAQ) at the University of Toronto. In attendance were Barbara Lachapelle, Toronto Public Health; Angela Homewood from Ports Toronto; Bryan Bowen from Toronto City Planning, and Brent Gilliard from Councillor Cressy’s office. Discussion at this initial meeting centred on the need to test exposure to key pollutants to produce empirical data (versus 2013 Golder study that was based on modelling) to inform debate on future development planning. Next step is to secure funding and approve the scope and project milestones, once a proposal has been received by Dr. Hatzopoulou and her TRAQ group at U of T, for a proposed 1 yearlong study.
“Discussion at this initial meeting centred on the need to test exposure to key pollutants to produce empirical data (versus 2013 Golder study that was based on modelling) to inform debate on future development planning.”