Little Norway Park improvements
Annual General Meeting – Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Association
Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan revitalization projects – April 2023 update
Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood history in photos
Petition to bring back skating at Harbourfront Centre
2021 work and achievements update – Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Association
Bathurst Quay ribbon-cutting and ground-breaking event
Canada Malting Silos ambient lighting demonstration
545 Lakeshore Blvd revised development proposal - updated October 2021
BQNP (Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan) 2021 activity.
BQNP (Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan) progress report
Stadium Park North trail improvements
Bathurst Street will be under construction from May 17 to December 2020
Update: Pipeline dig on Queens Quay
Neighbourhood construction updates